Interview with Siggy Buckley
Author and former matchmaker
How did you get into matchmaking
I got inot matchmaking through my own experice: after a 17 year old marriage I found myself unattached. At 40 and with children, what do you do. A lot of pepole were in the same situation and so I satrted looking at matchmaking agencies.Instead of signing up with one, I bought a franchise of an exisitng UK one, I had the Master franchise for the Repubic of Ireland.
Do you have any rules to suggest when comes to dating?
If you want to be successful at the dating game you have tobe open to what may happen. You must put yourself out there (hobbies, socializing,friends, even dating agencies) and above all have a critical look at yourself: Would you date yourself? What could be improved about you? Are you a happy perosn? What are your attitudes, expectations etc.
What would you say is the number one mistake women make in trying to find someone?
Women -just like men- are often times very set in their ways and expectations when it comes to a certain type of man they are looking for.Tall, dark and handsome uis not a cliche, but deep down even 5'2'' women think they need a 6 footer. Unfortuantely, not even every woman is picture...though we trymuch harder to improve our looks than men do. I had customers who walked away after one look....One said" There must have been a mistake...I requested somebody taller".