The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 9

opinions on some of the gay men out there!!!! I think that is why all of our hetero friends and couples love hanging out with Bradley and I, we are not full of drama, we don't bring drama, and we don't cause drama. Several of our friends have told us that they have never had gay friends or ever met a gay couple and now they always ask "Are 'the Boys' coming?" Love being called "The Boys"!!!! One of the best things I have heard from one of our couples is from the wife, "I was totally against gay marriage until I met you and I see that your relationship is not any different than my own with my husband. You have completely changed the way I look at the gay community and I could never imagine questioning your rights." That was totally touching!!!!

In this issue of The Lovely Pink Diva, it is about how every woman needs a male GBF (Gay Best Friend) What is your thoughts on this?

I think that a woman definitely needs an uplifting support system and who better than a gay man to give that to her!!!! Women loved to be complimented recognized when they change something about themselves, and always need a shoulder to cry on!!! That's what we are here for!!! We love the conversations, the happy-hour dates, the fashionista ideas, the happy-hour dates ;) .... and just everything that encompasses the friendship!!!!