miserably. Which will result in you looking like a complete idiot. Thankfully, I accepted a long time ago I usually look like a complete idiot and my humor has always acted as my armor for protection.
Is there an adventure that sticks out in your head?
We’ve had lots of misadventures. In fact we’re notorious for them around these
parts. Which is why only the brave will travel with us. We’ve done things like forgotten to book a hotel, gone on safari and heard a lion outside our tent, lost two of our kids at the airport in Paris and I wore a birka for a day. But, I would say our biggest adventure was flying to Egypt only to find out when we got there that we needed a special visa and that the American Embassy couldn’t help us. So we spent 40 hours at the airport in Cairo before we got sent right back to Morocco. (They do have a Starbucks at the airport which helped ease the pain after spending a sleepless night on the airport floor.) A few months later we were ready for round two , so we bought tickets to Cairo for the second time. And two weeks after that, the revolution happened. The American Embassy forbid Americans to travel there, but last March we went anyhow.
What is the one thing you you come to find is your must have item in Africa?
Without a doubt it’s a sense of humor. The runner up would be sunscreen.