The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 22

point that children are emotionally abused daily. Rarely, though, is that recognized, despite the fact it can be as harmful, sometimes more so, than physical tirades. The producers thought this was a good topic, and flew me to Chicago for a panel on this topic. Oprah was in her “skinny” period. Surprisingly, she was very shy, a bit standoffish though not in a negative way … she just seemed to not engage easily. That was my assessment and may have been simply the way she was that particular day. Kind, sweet, but only involved with panel and audience a quick moment prior to taping, and during taping. After that was over, she was gone. Certainly a fun experience—tickets sent my way, someone standing there with my name on a cue card waiting for me as I landed, a limo and luxurious hotel room, another limo ride in the morning to the studio and then back to the airport. Quite memorable.

Anything personal you like to share?

I’m addicted to genealogy or as I fondly call it, “digging up dead people.” This reflects on my love of the human story, while adding a very personal element. I’m learning stories of the people who came before me to make me who I am today. Anyone who might not have offered genealogy a second thought, I suggest giving it a try. There’s so much you can learn about yourself by looking into lives of your ancestors. It can be surprising to find how similar—often eerily so—we are … generations of similar occupations and talents, medical histories which closely compare, physical resemblances which are striking and, often, shocking. Such a rush to learn these stories!