The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 8

With beauty, there are many avenues you can explore. We all have different desires when comes to beauty and how to improve our hair and makeup. I could load this issue up with nothing but YouTube videos, but I won't. I choose ones to showcase, and decided on ones that well, have Hollywood influence to them. Let's face it, celebrities is what defines our styles. We try emulate them, in a way we secretly desire to be them.

There is nothing wrong with imitating their looks and styles, but you have to put your own twist onto it. You are you and they are them. We are all unique, and we are all made to stand apart. I desire to look like Charlieze Theron. I love her look, the classiness of it. However I will never be tall and skinny and I have too much red in my hair to be a blond like her. So I use what I can like the simple way she does her makeup. That alone satisfies that desire to look like her.

That is the trick to desiring to look like Hollywood. Just choose what you like and copy it. You can't be them but can take a small portion and learn to adapt it to yourself. Once you achieve it, you will be your own Hollywood star.