The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 4

Most desires for women seem to be that of improving our outer beauty, from our physical attributes to our hair color. I mean how many women out there have gone under the knife to have their breasts enhanced because they desire to have a larger cleavage. Although I have never wanted a larger cleavage, I was gifted in this area very nicely naturally; I do understand the reason of wanting to change your body’s appearance.

I am doing it now, with losing weight. With the physical changes we undergo does help the inner diva inside. As I lose the weight, the confidence I have in myself has skyrocketed. I realized I am beautiful. I knew I was sort of pretty, but I didn’t believe it. Aside from my past, let’s face it media, in all outlets, do not promote plus women as role models. So it makes you become uncomfortable and think you’re not pretty as well. That too was once of my issues with thinking I was pretty, Magazines, movies, and TV hardly show that you can be a size 14, and still be one beautiful. It is a shame that changing my body is what is helping realize that I am a beautiful girl, but it is what did for me.