The Lovely Pink Diva May. 2012 | Page 19

Blogger Interview

Alicia Rades

A Guide for Women

What inspired you to start a blog?

For over a year and I half I have been working as a freelance writer. While I have steadily maintained a great relationship with the first site I started working for, I wanted to learn more about making money online, so much of the inspiration for starting a blog came from my research. I always thought that it would be really hard, so I never pursued it. However, freelancing gave me a lot of insight into the blogging world, such as SEO, because I have written a lot about it. After seeing a friend's blog, I realized just how easy it would be to get started. I originally began with a

finance blog, but after about a month I realized that I wanted to not only give advice, but also learn from my blog. All of this lead up to A Guide for Women.

How long you have you been blogging?

I started my finance blog in March of 2012, so not very long. A Guide for Women came in April, so it is only a month old, but I am very surprised at how much I have learned about blogging so far and how great my site is doing. In these last few months, blogging has become a passion of mine, and it feels like I've been at it for much longer. I really feel like I have a lot of knowledge about the subject already, and I fully feel like part of the blogging community.