The Lord's Table. The Lord's Table | Page 4

Welcome in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Celebrate Jesus Our Savior and Soon Coming King.

This time of the year, we Celebrate, and Remember the Birth of Jesus Christ. Right? Wrong. The Holiday we now as Christmas, has become about Santa Claus, gifts, and has been commercialized and scrutinized by many non believers, as well as believers worldwide.

We here at the Abbey of the Society of Jesus, Celebrate Jesus everyday, and in celebrating the Lord's Supper, we acknowledge to God that we do believe Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, God made flesh(Isaiah 7:14,Matthew 1:18-21). In the Lord's Supper we also partake of the Lord's Body and Blood, receiving life in the cup, and in the bread doing this in remembrance of our Lord's death (John 6:47-58, 1 Corinthians 11:19-31).

In many instances, even Christians who mean well, find fault with people Celebrating Jesus birth. But I will say so many people who do not think about Christ Jesus, do so this time of the year. Is it incorrect to say Jesus was born on December 25th? Historically, yes! Does it offend God because we celebrate His coming to this earth on the 25th of December? No, if you Celebrate Jesus every day! Amen. So we here at The Abbey of the Society of Jesus want to wish you and your families a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year.

In Jesus Name,

Abbot Joshua Sparks.