The Lord's Table. Issue 3. Happy New Year. Volume 3 | Page 12

Breaking the Silence International Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.

This is the World Wide Evangelistic Ministry of Elder Josh Sparks. Our Ministry has preached the Revelation of Jesus Christ via radio 7 days a week locally and around the world through short wave radio. Our radio broadcast will once again be heard on the world wide web. Please join us.

Our Internet Radio Broadcast, "The Bible's Truth's Revealed", will once again be heard on Blog Talk Radio 7 days a week. Next weeks issue we will post this weeks messages online for you to be able to listen to them. We also will be offering all 7, 30 minute programs to those who will write and ask and who can make a donation of $10.00 or more to the ministry so we can mail these CD's out worldwide.

Our contact information to receive the CD of the week, and when writing please specify which week you would like have.

Contact us at:

The Bibles Truth's Revealed

3104 Geiger ST.

Ashland, KY 41101.

[email protected]

May God bless you in the Mighty Saving Name of Jesus CHrist.