The Lord's Table. Issue 2 | Page 16

I believe in one God

solitary in being:

Maker of Heaven and Earth,

and all things therein:

by his eternal Word.

That is to say: By the breath of His mouth.

Thereby, and because of creation,

reasonably termed the Father.

Who, because of us sinners, and for our salvation,

became manifested in flesh. Conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the virgin Mary.

This incarnation

not lessening His deity,

nor altering His humanity;

fully God

and fully man,


Therefore, the angel named him Jesus

– God is Savior.

As to His deity, He is the same essence,

nature, and being as the Father.

As to His humanity, he is a

like essence, nature, and being with us men.

Thereby, and because of generation and redemption,

reasonably termed the Son of God.

Who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, was buried

and descended in to Hades.

Who, in His deity raised Himself from the dead on the third day,

ascending to the right hand of the Majesty on High;

from which He shed forth His Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.

Thereby, and because of emanation and sanctification,

reasonably termed the Holy Spirit.

I believe in one true saving gospel:

the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Which saving graces are individually, appropriated respectively,

through repentance, water baptism by immersion, with the

invocation of Jesus' name: thereby, washed in His blood;

and the infilling of His Spirit as in the beginning.

I believe in the holy, universal, and apostolic Church,

the communion of the saints, and the forgiveness of sins;

the sacramental mysteries of:

Jesus name water baptism, the Lord's supper, and the laying

on of hands.

I believe in the resurrection of the body, the catching away of the

Church; the physical return of Jesus Christ, eternal judgment and life

everlasting. Amen.

The Apostolic Creed. By Abbot General Jerry Hayes.