The Lord's Table. Issue 2 | Page 13

The Abbey of the Society of Jesus is a ministry extension of The Disciples of the Way(Apostolic) under the Episcopal Covering of Bishop Jerry Hayes. Listed below is some basic information about this great move of God that will ultimately result in the full restoration of the 1st Centur Apostolic Church in the 21st Century.

The Disciples of the Way (Apostolic) is an independent ministry which is associated with the Independent Christian Churches International (ICCI), through whom apostolic succession is held through the Antioch Orthodox Succession back to the Apostle Peter, and through the ancient Celtic church to the Apostle James, the first Bishop of Jerusalem.

Disciples of the Way (Apostolic) is a discipling/teaching ministry. We maintain house church groups throughout the world for the purpose of making disciples for Christ, who is the Way, the truth and the life. The Disciples of the Way (Apostolic) sponsors missions, both foreign and home, but only for those ministries that have subscribed to our creed and manifesto. We offer teaching material in the form of the written page, videos and audios to all who request it, regardless of affiliation.

The Disciples of the Way (Apostolic) stands ready to send discipling/teaching assistance to any part of the world upon request and according to availability.

Peace to your houses.

☩ Jerry Hayes

Abbot General