The Looking Glass Volume 40 | Page 22


Jose Chavez Inestroza


Strong on its own, small all alone. 

Specs of black. 

How can one be so strong alone? 

Carrying twice the weight of itself. 

When I can’t even carry out a conversation. 


Antennas of communication, signals coming in and out. 

Where are my antennas? 

They are damaged, a bit contorted;

they can only take in simple signals. 

Only very basic symbols with some colors and lines. 

Only imagery that a blind man can feel but not see,

that an introvert has not binged on. 

The wavelengths of others are not the same in me. 


 Where is the repair guy? I need a few repairs to mine. 


Little nimble feet, carrying hunks of beef, over high peaks. 

Moving all over the world leaves behind crumbs;

one's crumbs can be another's feast.