The Looking Glass Volume 40 | Page 14

To a Song That I Loved

Michael Quinn

I put on my headphones and blocked out

the noise around me. I laid my head back

and closed my eyes.

At that moment, for those 365 seconds, 

I was in another world. 


Your lyrics tell a beautifully somber story

of pain and heartbreak. 

Your guitar sings softly, but echoes loud.

Your golden horns ripple

underneath the melody, building that

bright beautiful wall of sound. 


I sit back and I listen. 

Nothing else matters in that moment. 

I remove myself from the world around me. 

I feel the soul in your tone and in your voice, 

and I am no longer alone. 

When I was sad and lonely 

I closed my eyes and listened. I went to that place

that only I can go and only music can take me.