I know that you’re cooler than me.
You’re way better than me;
Everyone likes you!
You're extroverted,
Always so social,
And I'm over here stuck in between.
No matter how many times you tell me,
I'll never understand...
Why do you love me?
I'm not as cool,
As smart,
As pretty as the other girls.
You should just hate me,
Hate me like how everyone else does.
Like how I do...
I just can't help it can't I?
I can't stop drowning.
I can't stop sinking in deeper;
I just can't stop hating myself.
But no matter what,
No matter the "ups" or "downs",
No matter the differences,
No matter how I treat myself,
Just know,
And forever keep in your mind,
I do love you. 🖤
Even if it's with a dark and broken heart.
Opposites Somehow Attract
Rose- Keyla Vasquez