When the world-renowned University of Galway was looking for an updated security solution to integrate into its existing locking system , it was clear that security specialist Burg-Wächter would be the supply partner of choice .
» THE UNIVERSITY SOUGHT A solution to integrate newer areas of the premises with padlocks and combine them with the existing security system . Having worked previously with local locksmith Collerans , university caretaken Tom Craven decided to reach out to see if they could help . He explains : “ I wanted to add some padlocks around the university and add them to our current system of locks . I have a master key to give me full access to the different locks across the grounds and buildings , so I was looking to combine the padlocks with these existing locks so I could open everything with the one key .”
Tailored solution
Mike Colleran , owner of Collerans Locksmiths , used his knowledge and expertise to come up with the ideal solution . He explains : “ We ’ ve always admired Burg-Wächter ’ s products and have enjoyed a good relationship with them for several years . We chose the 116 Profi PC padlock which is really convenient to integrate into existing key systems due to the fact that it takes almost any Euro profile half cylinder from other manufacturers .”
‘ Because the padlocks already come prepared for cylinder fitting , this made the job really easy ’
Exceptional German engineering
The 116 Profi PC is a solid brass padlock that can be fitted with half cylinders . Manufactured in Germany , this padlock has a stainless steel hardened shackle which is double-bolted for additional security . It also boasts a rustproof locking mechanism to offer long lasting reliability . Mike goes on to explain : “ We rekeyed the Euro half cylinders to match the existing locks at the university before fitting them into the padlocks . Because the padlocks already come prepared for cylinder fitting , this made the job really easy and we were able to get the padlocks to Tom within a week .”
The padlocks were used on bollards and external access areas , with Tom saying : “ 90 % of the Burg-Wächter padlocks are used externally and exposed to the harsh environment of the west coast of Ireland and perform extremely well . Once a year , they require a little squirt of oil but I have never had a problem and would highly recommend Burg-Wächter as a product and Collerans Locksmith as a service to anyone .” Thanks to Burg-Wächter ’ s serial number system , Collerans can quickly and easily make more padlocks in the future for Tom , should he require them .
Matt Parkes , marketing manager at Burg-Wächter , commented “ I ’ m delighted that our padlocks were chosen for the University of Galway . We always strive to find tailored solutions for our customers and I ’ m thrilled that we were able to help Tom find a convenient way to unify both new and old security systems .”
Peter Walsh , ASM for Burg-Wächter , says “ We are so pleased that we were able to assist Collerans Locksmith in helping out Tom at the university . We pride ourselves on being able to tailor our products and we very much value our partnership with Collerans . With our knowledge and passion for security , we hope we can continue to help many more people in the years to come .”
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