As the UK strives to improve fire safety and building standards, Karen Trigg of Allegion UK
discusses the pressure on specialised housing landlords and how to keep residents safe.
A sound sleep
residents with a safe environment is key.
For residents living in specialised settings,
such as sheltered housing, extra care and
supported living accommodation, fire safety
is critical. In fact, landlords and providers of
specialised housing and houses of multiple
occupancy (HMOs) have a duty of care
under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)
Order 2005 to ensure that their properties
meet all aspects of fire safety compliance.
Yet, right now, question marks reside over
the state of fire safety in the UK. Each week,
the news highlights a number of incidents,
suggesting a lax approach toward fire
safety compliance by some. While it’s true
that the running of HMOs and specialised
housing facilities is more varied, fire safety
compliance remains the same for all.
Vulnerability at night
In 2017, the National Fire Chiefs
Council produced a comprehensive
guide, titled Fire Safety in Specialised
Housing. The guide includes a series of
recommendations designed to protect
the estimated three quarters of a million
residents in specialised housing. Amongst
escape routes and warning signs, fire
doors are recognised in the document as a
major contributing factor to fire safety. For
all buildings, fire doors are the first line of
defence when a fire does occur, helping to
protect premises by preventing or slowing
down smoke and fire from spreading.
It’s documented that most fires in the
home occur when people are asleep
(between the hours of 10pm and 6am).
Through compartmentalisation, fire doors
are key in providing occupants those extra
seconds, and in a building with multiple
residents, this can be a huge contributing
factor for successful escape.
However, all too often, fire doors
are the one piece of equipment that is
subject to neglect, becoming a secondary
concern by landlords and facility
managers. It’s therefore no surprise
to learn that fire door failure is still a
prominent problem in many residential
settings. In 2015 alone, 58 percent of all
fire door fines were issued to landlords of
HMOs in the UK. Adding to this, a recent
report led by the Fire Door Inspection
Scheme (FDIS) found that 61 percent
of the fire doors inspected had fire or
smoke seals missing or were installed
incorrectly. At the same time, one in
three had gaps of 3mm or more between
the door and the frame – making them
suspectible to increased fire damage.
Failure to meet the stringent regulations
associated with fire safety compliance
can result in legal action and heavy
financial penalties. So why are we seeing
this large number of incidents in this
In order to remain compliant, education
is key. It’s now as important as ever for
landlords and facility managers as a
collective to improve their understanding
of fire safety and alleviate the pressure
associated with fire safety compliance.
When used correctly, fire doors can
protect occupants from danger for
anywhere between 20 minutes and 120
minutes – depending on the specification
of the door. Using what is commonly
known as ‘the five-point check’ – checking
certification, gaps, seals, hinges and
closing mechanics – enables a user to see
if a fire door is functioning as it should be.
Responsibility lies with the landlord, but
any staff should also have a responibilty to
report any doors not functioning correctly
that are in a HMO or specialised housing
The smallest of changes in a fire door’s
function can have detrimental effects.
Although landlords have ultimate
responsibility for ensuring that fire
doors are compliant and fit for purpose,
sometimes a full inspection may need to
be carried out by a qualified specialist.
Should an issue be found with a fire door,
it’s important to know that contacting
a certified inspector is an option, as
opposed to leaving it to chance.
‘The smallest of changes in
a fire door’s function can
have detrimental effects’
There’s no longer an excuse to leave
fire safety to chance. Moreover, there’s
no longer a need to lose sleep over fire
safety compliance. Begin with the basic
checks and seek further advice should it
be required. No occupants of specialised
housing or HMOs deserve to live in
constant concern of fire safety.
SEP/OCT 2019
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