Why using a BSI
certified organisation
to provide your
British standard
cylinders is a must
security with a
restricted cylinder that
offers you everything
The Gege
pExtra range is
highly regarded
amongst industry
experts as the professionals
restricted cylinder of choice.
Produced by Kaba, the range
of cylinders offers the highest
level of security including:
• Patent protected key until
• Protection against
• Protection against
• Protection against
• Protection against
• Protection against plug
• Emergency key override
feature (gain access
when a key is inserted in
the other side)
Gege pExtra Guard
British Standard TS
007 3 star cylinder
Approved for
Secured by Design
accreditation, TS
007 and stamped
with the British Standard 3
Star standard; the pExtra
Guard offers the highest
level of security. Suitable
for entrances and locations
where maximum security is
Gege pExtra plus
British Standard
1 star cylinder
Approved for TS 007 British
Standard 1 Star status and
with a fully restricted profile,
the pExtra plus offers a high
level of security. pExtra plus
is compatible with the pExtra
Guard for the ultimate level
of security. If fitted with 2 star
rated door handles, this
combination would
achieve a TS
007 3 star
Only a handful of
companies are currently
BSI certified to perform key
alike and master key work
to cylinders with a British
Standard kitemark. These
organisations will have been
approved individually for
each brand and model of
BS kitemarked cylinder they
stock and intend to provide to
their customers keyed alike
or mastered.
keep their BS
Their staff and premises will
have been thoroughly tested
by representatives of the BSI
to ensure machinery, work
process and the resulting
quality of the work stay up to
their high standards during
the configuration of a keyed
alike or mastered cylinder.
If passed, the organisation
is awarded BSI certification
and the cylinders keep their
BS certification after they
have been configured to be
keyed alike or mastered –
something you won’t get from
an organisation that isn’t BSI
‘Cylinders that
lose their BS
rating void
the validity of
insurance policies
against them’
What are the
consequences of
not using a BSI
certified company?
use a BSI certified
organisation to work
on your cylinders…
1. It’s guaranteed that your
cylinders are worked
on by a top-class
professional who has
been tested to maintain
the high standards
required by the BSI.
2. Your customers
insurance policies
remain valid and
3. Your cylinders keep
their British Standard
certification after the
work is complete.
It is hugely important that
BS cylinders keep their
BS certification to ensure
that any insurance policies
remain valid and intact.
If a cylinder is worked
on and the organisation
who performed the work
are not BSI certified – the
insurance validity will
become void.
Property owners are
increasingly looking to
improve the security
standards of their premises
and anything that could
jeopardise that could
put a strain on future
relationships. Using a BSI
certified organisation gives
you and your customer the
peace of mind that the work
being done prior to you
receiving your cylinders is
of the highest standard.
SEP/OCT 2019
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Issue Takeover