The Locksmith Journal Nov/Dec 2020 - Issue 71 | Page 32

COMMERCIAL SECURITY Continued from page 31
How does the KL1100 RFID powered latch feature work in practice and what are the advantages ? With the powered latch there is no need to worry about slamming doors and mistakenly bending cams . This leads to reduced maintenance costs . The latch is sprung , like you ’ d see on a typical door at home , so there is no need to turn a handle when closing the locker – making it ’ s easier to operate . If the locker door is fitted with a sprung hinge , the door can also ‘ pop ’ open when unlocked – leading to a better user experience .
The locks can be managed individually in Standalone Mode , which requires a portable keypad programmer , or remotely in Remote Card Authorisation Mode , which requires Codelocks Desktop Client software and a card reader . What should a facilities manager consider before deciding between the two options ? A lot depends on how many lockers the facilities manager needs to manage . If there are hundreds of lockers distributed throughout a building or estate , the Codelocks Desktop Client software will make it easier to administer customers ’
cards . Similarly , a leisure centre that issues multiple day cards may find it easier to handle them using the Desktop Client . For smaller installations , the facilities manager may find it simpler to use the portable keypad to manage the locks .
“ Administrators can also create cards that enable them to block particular users or to audit a lock - all from their desktop .”
Can you walk us through some of things that facilities managers can do when managing KL1100 RFID locks in Standalone Mode ? Facilities managers managing locks in Standalone Mode can program locks to open or close at a certain time of day . They would be able to add and delete card users , and gain emergency access to lockers even if the Master Card is lost . They would also be able to create Master and Technician Cards , and switch locks between Private and Public Functions .
RCA Mode allows administrators to manage groups of locks remotely . Can you draw a picture of how this works in practice ? Once a group of locks has been set up , an administrator can manage access to them from a PC . In the office , for example , an administrator can allocate a locker and issue a card to a new employee , from their PC . Replacement cards can be issued in the same way . In a gym , reception staff can issue cards for day guests or longer-term cards for members , all without the need to visit the locker itself . Administrators can also create cards that enable them to block particular users or to audit a lock – all from their desktop .
In RCA Mode it ’ s possible to manage groups of locks . What sort of changes can an administrator make to the locks in the group ? You can manage multiple groups of locks in RCA Mode , but each group has a maximum of 250 locks . There are multiple functions you can change .
NOV / DEC 2020
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