The Locksmith Journal Nov/Dec 2020 - Issue 71 | Page 19

For larger organisations , with more complex needs , access control systems that offer centralised management and additional functionality can provide the answer . Combining all access control into one system allows the management of rights and the recording of data to be streamlined and simplified as well as improving the overall level of security .
An integrated system allows tailored and seamless access for different people or groups for specific areas of the building , creating a zoned security system . This level of customisation helps overcome the challenge of allowing simple access to common areas of the building as well as providing access to restricted areas for authorised personnel .
A centralised system also allows quick and easy changes to a user ’ s access rights . This is valuable in a range of situations including managing visitor and third party contractor access or where an employee needs new or temporary access to a different part of the site . It also helps maintain security in the case of lost key cards or fobs , as the missing item can be quickly rendered unusable to prevent unauthorised access .
This streamlined management also has benefits where the users of the building change regularly . An example of this is educational facilities where each academic year some students will leave having completed their studies and new ones will join . This regular turnover of users requires a system where all privileges can be added , withdrawn or amended easily .
For example , for the University of York we created a fully integrated access and security solution . A combination of 890 online controllers connected to 897 doors and 1,455 offline locks and doors were installed . The whole system is controlled by our Exos 9300 solution that ensures the highest level of security and integrates with the university ’ s HR systems allowing for a reliable and accurate time recording . The database that contains a record of all university staff and students feeds directly into the Exos system so when students leave their access rights are revoked automatically .
For very large organisations with complex needs or those that are looking to integrate a wide range of functions and systems there are solutions such as
our MATRIX Professional . This browserbased system allows the creation of a bespoke solution that includes security functions such as flexible and fully customisable door access control , car park and elevator access , room management , time and attendance data collection and video surveillance integration . MATRIX Professional allows both wired and wireless online access components as well as standalone doors to be combined into one system and can manage up to 300,000 IDs or people . It also allows advanced security measures such as door status monitoring , anti-pass back protection at entrances and airlock functions .
This level of integration helps to streamline the day to day running of the facilities and can provide significant value in automating processes and eliminating unnecessary and time consuming tasks . However , it is important that , although the system is complex , it is simple and intuitive to operate for all users .
By engaging with experienced solutions providers , such as dormakaba ,
security professionals can ensure that the best possible solution is created to meet all the needs of the customer . It is also important to choose a partner who can offer an end-to-end approach , as this will make specification and installation simpler as well as eliminate compatibility issues between systems and components . For the customer , it also means that ongoing maintenance and future upgrades are easier .
The requirements of different sized organisations in diverse sectors will vary significantly so there is no approach to access control and security that fits all . Flexible and adaptable systems from trusted and experienced providers will help industry professionals to deliver the best possible solution for each customer . With mobile access control , dormakaba provides real life solutions to both business owners and its end users by simplifying access right processes because it is tailored to meet your daily needs .
www . dormakaba . co . uk
NOV / DEC 2020
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