The Locksmith Journal May/Jun 2023 - Issue 86 | Page 74



» SECURED BY DESIGN ( SBD ), THE national police crime prevention initiative , were amongst the hundreds of exhibitors at the prestigious and well attended FIT Show last week , with a constant stream of visitors to the stand on all three days of the show .
SBD Technical Manager Alfie Hosker also joined two other experts in the field - Howard Trotter & Mark Alton - for a panel seminar on fire legislation at the FIT Show .
Alfie said : “ The FIT Show enabled us to have some great conversations , afforded us superb networking opportunities and was also an ideal opportunity for us to link in with all of our SBD members who were exhibiting and ensure that we are up-todate regarding their products , as well as support them with product launches .
“ Fire doorset legislation has changed significantly in recent years and at all points through the lifecycle of a fire doorset . The seminar was an excellent opportunity to discuss the requirements for a life cycle of compliance , with the first stage ( Design & Test ) also the reference point to ensure the original design intent is preserved and the intended performance met and maintained to reduce and remove potential elements of confusion or interpretation .”
SBD ’ s pioneering work SBD has been involved in pioneering work with national and local government , and a wide range of organisations to improve the physical security of buildings , particularly in the residential marketplace , over the last 30 years .
This work has involved tackling the wide variations in the quality of products installed during the housing boom of the 1960s , 70s and 80s when security was barely considered and windows could be lifted out almost as easily as they were installed .
To combat the rise in burglary that resulted , SBD set about looking at the quality of the products being sold against those originally tested . SBD instigated the formation of the UK Test House Studies Group and Certification Bodies Group for doorsets , windows and lock products and have chaired these groups for over 20 years with the sole aim being to ensure there is parity between test and certification bodies . Better quality means these products last longer too , making them more cost effective and leading to greater sustainability in crime prevention .
Today , door and window manufacturers must be certified by a United Kingdom Accreditation Service ( UKAS ) certification body before becoming an SBD member company and being considered for SBD ’ s coveted Police Preferred Specification .
The Police Preferred Specification
Secured by Design ( SBD ) operates an accreditation scheme on behalf of the UK Police Service for products or services that have met recognised security standards . These products or services – which must be capable of deterring or preventing crime - are known as being of a ‘ Police Preferred Specification ’.
There are many hundreds of companies who produce over seven thousand individual attack resistant crime prevention products in more than thirty
different categories that have met the exacting Police Preferred Specification . This includes doors , windows , locks and hardware , perimeter security products and many others .
SBD Secure Connected Device accreditation
The SBD Secure Connected Device accreditation for IoT connected devices is available to companies with IoT products to help them highlight their products as having achieved the necessary IoT standards and certification to be compliant with the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act ( PSTI Act ), which has recently been enacted into law . Businesses will need to be compliant with PSTI Act from the 29th of April 2024 .
The PSTI Act requires manufacturers , importers and distributors to ensure that minimum security requirements are met in relation to consumer connectable products that are available to consumers and provides a robust regulatory framework that can adapt and remain effective in the face of rapid technological advancement , the evolving techniques employed by malicious actors , and the broader international regulatory landscape .
The SBD Secure Connected Device accreditation scheme , developed in consultation with the Department for Digital , Culture , Media & Sport ( DCMS ), helps companies to get their products appropriately assessed against all 13 provisions of the ETSI EN 303 645 standard , a requirement that goes beyond the Government ’ s legislation so that companies can not only demonstrate their compliance with the legislation but protects them , their products and customers .
www . securedbydesign . com
MAY / JUN 2023
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