Colin Donnelly , Health , Safety & Environmental Manager at ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions , discusses the company ’ s journey towards Net Zero , and how organisations can implement more sustainable operations .
» AROUND ONE IN THREE of the UK ’ s largest businesses are leading the way in the world ’ s transition to a low carbon economy , committing to align with UK government ambitions and eliminate their contribution to climate change by 2050 1 .
Many companies understand the issues around decarbonisation and recognise the need for the transition to Net Zero . However , there is a significant gap in turning this general understanding of the issues into tangible plans and action .
For example , small businesses have struggled with how to implement sustainability into their operations . A survey 2 found that although 99 % of small firms recognise the importance of sustainability , three quarters of them ( 77 %) don ’ t know how to measure their carbon emissions and need support .
The recent ‘ Mission Zero 3 independent review of Net Zero makes recommendations for transitioning to a thriving green economy , and suggests it could be a lucrative economic opportunity .
But hundreds of businesses consulted in the review made it clear that guidance and help is needed in areas such as skills , energy efficiency , support for SMEs , and providing a tax environment that stimulates investment .
Shifting focus
Instead of seeing the transition to Net Zero as an exercise which requires sacrifice , ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions has used this initiative as a driver to innovate and boost business while lowering operations costs .
What ’ s more , there is also a potential competitive advantage to be gained through pioneering Net Zero plans , although this can be challenging in cases where sustainability endeavours are not integrated with a corporate strategy .
We have increased our focus on sustainability in recent years , and subsequently were included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe in recognition of our progress and our ambitions .
This is due to our combination of focused initiatives and continuous improvements , as well as ensuring sustainability is closely aligned to , and is a positive enabler of our Group strategic objectives . Essentially , our business strategy is also our sustainability strategy . As a Group , we align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals , which provide the global community with a roadmap for how to combat global challenges related to economic , social and environmental sustainability .
Our increased focus on sustainable buildings is a growth driver and we invest in a sustainable product offering , with accompanying transparency and verification documentation .
Collaborative working is key , and ensuring the entire organisation buys into the concept of a more sustainable future – everyone from those in the factory , to office workers and senior management .
So , how are we implementing more sustainable operations at our production sites ?
Implementing change We have recently created a significant reduction in carbon emissions at our Lisburn site through a variety of methods , including advances in packaging , lighting and welfare facilities .
By introducing the new Eco pallet wrap , we have reduced packaging CO 2 emissions by 56 %, resulting in 115 fewer trees that need to be planted to offset CO 2 per year . What ’ s more , the product offers a cost reduction of 39 %.
We also implemented a lighting upgrade , removing existing lighting within both steel and timber door production areas , installing high efficiency 150-Watt LED lighting . These LED lights are made operational via motion sensors omitting the use of switches on walls .
Also included is a control system which enables the user to dim the brightness as required on individual lights , offering an annual reduction in energy consumption of 54,332 kWh .
One of our ageing compressors has been changed out with a replacement unit providing efficient new technology . With its new air pump system the new compressor will improve efficiency within the factory by approximately 94,500 kWh annually and a subsequent reduction in air leaks due to this technological advancement .
A project was also identified to upgrade existing welfare facilities within the Lisburn site , to implement sensor technology within the sanitaryware to help reduce unnecessary water usage .
New touchless sensor water taps and cisterns were installed to replace push taps and traditional push cistern technology , offering an annual water saving of 624m 2 .
www . assaabloy . com
1 https :// www . gov . uk / government / news / third-of-uks-biggest-companies-commit-to-net-zero
BT Survey with Small Business Britain - https :// www . gov . uk / government / news / calling-all-small-businesses-to-lead-the-charge-to-net-zero
3 https :// assets . publishing . service . gov . uk / government / uploads / system / uploads / attachment _ data / file / 1128689 / mission-zero-independent-review . pdf
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