History of Locks
^ Ingersoll schematic from the patent drawing . Note the hook style end notched levers allowing for a central style double sided key and the corresponding side bar . There were four lifts for differ locks and five lifts for MK suites .
many years later that he had indeed drilled and invisibly repaired the Bramah lock by plugging the hole and dabbing a little acid to disguise the repair !
Queen Victoria died on 22nd January 1901 and so the Victorian Era ended . The first half of the 20th century was sadly mostly preoccupied with war . Existing locking principles were refined and consolidated ; machine tools were greatly improved and techniques developed such was the necessities of war ; however these conditions set the scene for the next phase of lock ideas and development .
The Second Elizabethan Era
Ingersoll , although technically patented in the previous decade to the new Queen ’ s Coronation , its development is synonymous with the QEII Era , highlycontrolled key blanks and key registration
^ Milner normally used V-shaped false notches to throw of levers unless the whole pack is perfectly aligned ; however this version also moved the bolt stump out of alignment .
^ This was the first Manifoil proposal for the double drive system ; despite a handful of prototypes being produced it wasn ’ t adopted , however the Dexters patent double drive was .
were features of the miniature 10 lever Ingersoll system , it was even briefly used by the US military .
The post war period also spawned anther lock in response to the ‘ cold war ’; the Manifoils . Milner had produce a very ordinary three-wheel combination lock , the only unusual feature was that it was constructed in a round case . It was this lock that was selected by the Ministry of Works to become a Government Security lock . The first improvement , on adoption , was the addition of a double drive which meant that the last two digits was always ‘ 00 ’, other main improvements subsequently added were a second roller , screening and lead shielding as both real and perceived threats were identified . The lead shielding added in response to the Russians successfully using a ‘ X Ray ’ device on a lock to help steal the American nuclear launch codes . Bill Stanton ’ s diary ’ s , now in the Heritage Rooms Archives , contain further details on lead shielding and other QEII Era developments in the Chubb R & D department . The original Manifoils are now de-restricted , however the later versions / variants are still out of bounds though .
The New Carolean Era
With the Coronation of King Charles III , which also occurred within the New Age of Aquarius , the future of locks , lockmaking and locksmiths looks brighter than ever . Looking forward , I can see that new technologies and techniques being introduced ; hence the need for everyone practicing in the locksmith world to keep on top of MLA training in their selected fields , but also due to the enduring nature of locks not to discount the opportunities of previous eras . And before you know it I will be writing up today ’ s innovations ; the only thing left to say , in the spirit of the new era , is … God Save The King .
Brian Morland , curator of the Heritage collections , welcomes your comments and views on the above or any aspect of locks and keys . Brian can be contacted by email : brian @ emorlands . com .
MLA Heritage Rooms Most readers know that the Heritage Room at MLA HQ is closed for expansion and refurbishment . Facilities are also being upgraded ; members , affiliates and even the public will have greater access to the displays and especially the Archive . A guest / visitor workstation will also be provided for those doing study / research . To run such facilities will also benefit from helpers and other material assets , do contact if you can assist and / or help in the next phase of the Heritage Rooms development contact us , email above if you would like to become involved or are to provide other assistance . In the meantime watch for the completion date and the reopening of the Heritage Rooms .
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