most AEC organisations are seeing the advantages , as three-in-four construction firms say the introduction of sustainability initiatives has led to a better use of resources . ‘ Greener ’ investments can pay dividends across the supply chain in various ways , from contractual wins to building managers seeing a reduction in their running costs over time .
As manufacturers continue to improve the longevity of their architectural components and materials , building performance will continue to peak . When adopted , the use of better , more sustainable materials will diminish the need to replace or refurbish poor quality products over time , decreasing the costs associated with maintenance . From an environmental standpoint , as the need for replacements decreases , so too will the material and packaging waste that has previously contributed to the industry ’ s eye-opening waste statistics - a win-win for all .
The clear , ongoing commitment to sustainable practice is represented by The Architects Registration Board for example , which in 2021 introduced a string of new educational guidelines where students are set to learn key lessons on environmental sustainability . Moving forward , projects may no longer be approached with an environmental checklist in hand , and instead sustainable innovation will likely act as a springboard to elevate decisions throughout the building design process .
As hardware and building design continues to adapt , sustainable construction will progress , providing social , environmental and economic benefits for years to come . But above all , the need to safeguard our future is , and always should be , the most crucial objective ; and we simply cannot afford to lose sight of that .
How Consort is delivering on sustainability
Consort is committed to safeguarding our future through the responsible and ethical use of resources , minimising the environmental impact on our planet . In recent years we have taken proactive action towards our supply chain , achieving our target of removing all plastic packaging in the production of our premium range in 2021 and now aiming to eliminate all plastic packaging across our full range of products by the end of 2022 - in addition to our ‘ buyback ’ process for our premium range where all products are recycled or repurposed .
We continue to strive towards real , sustainable change and by the end of 2025 we aim to ensure our full range of products can be fully recycled . We ’ re extremely proud of our active initiatives as we continue towards minimal environmental impact as a manufacturer in this sector .
Sources ; https :// constructionblog . autodesk . com / sustainable-construction-statistics /, https :// www . breeam . com /? cn-reloaded = 1 , https :// www . iso . org / standard / 60857 . html , https :// www . gov . uk / guidance / check-if-you-need-to-register-for-plastic-packaging-tax , https :// www . breeam . com / BREEAMUK2014SchemeDocument / content / 09 _ material / mat06 . htm #:~: text = The % 20construction % 20industry % 20accounts % 20for , and % 2035 % 25 % 20of % 20arising % 20waste , https :// usir . salford . ac . uk / id / eprint / 39321 / 1 / MaterialWaste3-Draft . pdf , https :// arb . org . uk / arb-publishes-new-safety-sustainability-guidelines-architects-nr21 /
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