Setting the standard
» DOUGLAS MASTERSON , GUILD OF Architectural Ironmongers ( GAI ) Technical Manager , explores what a standard is , the impact of Brexit , and some recent and forthcoming standards . Information is correct as of May 2022 .
A standard is a stakeholder-led solution which responds to defined needs , with its legitimacy being based on a process of consensus and consultation . They are often voluntary , and when they are , they can underpin regulation and give confidence to markets and governments . They can also be mandatory such as harmonised or designated standards . Standards bodies , such as British Standards Institution ( BSI ) or European Committee for Standardization ( CEN ), do not ‘ decide ’ or ‘ set ’ standards but coordinate national expert and stakeholder views to create them . The GAI is well placed to represent the ironmongery industry in this arena , currently participating in 24 BSI committees and drafting panels across several areas , as well as four CEN committees .
Harmonised / designated standard definitions
Harmonised European standards ( hENs ) are European standards specially created to support European directives . Compliance with a hEN creates a legal presumption of conformity with some or all the technical requirements of a directive . The European Construction Products Regulation ( CPR ) requires products within their scope to declare their performance under the relevant hEN . This means , that for CE marking under the CPR , only testing carried out under the hEN is valid .
Designated standards are the GB equivalent of European harmonised standards and were created following the UK ’ s departure from the European Union . These are developed by a recognised national or international standards body through a process of consensus , which is designated by the UK Secretary of State and is recognised by the government in part or in full by publishing its reference on GOV . UK in a formal notice of publication .
The European and UK versions of the Construction Products Regulation ( CPR ) have made harmonised and designated standards mandatory for any products falling under their scope . It is currently illegal to offer a non-CE marked product for sale on the UK and European market if it is covered by a harmonised standard - this will apply to UKCA marked products after 1st January 2023 . Under the Northern Ireland Protocol , NI remains part of the single European market therefore still requires CE or UKNI marking to place relevant products onto the market .
Standards are constantly being amended , revised and drafted , with GAI having been on drafting panels for many of these . What are the most recent changes to standards in the ironmongery industry ?
EN 16867:2020 Mechatronic door furniture applies to Mechatronic door furniture fitted on the door set which allows locking and / or release through electronic authorisation ; card , code , biometric etc .
EN 15684 : 2021 Mechatronic cylinders specifies requirements for performance and testing of Mechatronic cylinders and their keys and / or electronic keys .
EN 17372:2021 Power-operated swing door drive operators specifies requirements and test methods for power-operated pedestrian swing door drives with self-closing function using mechanically stored energy for single and double-leaf swing doors with fire resistance and smoke control characteristics .
EN ISO 23386:2020 Building information modelling and other digital processes used in construction provides a methodology to describe , author and maintain properties in interconnected data dictionaries in relation to BIM .
The following standards are in the process of being created or revised and are due to be published within the next twelve to eighteen months :
prEN 15685 Multipoint locks and their locking plates will specify requirements and test methods for use on doors , window doors and entrance doors in buildings .
EN 12209:2016 Mechanically operated locks , latches and locking plates specifies requirements , test methods and functionality . The revision to this standard will not be a harmonised / designated version and CE / UKCA marking will still be required to the 2003 version .
PAS 24:2016 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK for doorsets and windows . This hugely important and influential standard for the security industry is open for draft public consultation until 27th May and is due for publication in 2022 .
EN 16005:2012 Power operated pedestrian doorsets is being revised and covers safety in the use of power-operated pedestrian doorsets used for normal access as well as in escape routes and as fire resistance and / or smoke control doorsets .
The GAI publishes regular updates on standards and other technical issues and provides information on an ongoing basis through Specifiers ’ Guides and Technical Briefings .
www . gai . org . uk Douglas Masterson B . A .( Hons ) DipGAI RegAI M . InstAI Technical Manager : Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
MAY / JUN 2022
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