16 • industrynewS
Grow your
New ‘No
Contract’ Chip
& PIN deal
For small businesses, the decision
on whether or not to accept card
payments is an important one.
It can affect everything from
the day-to-day running of your
business to the profit generated.
»»Accepting cards can
make your business appear
more professional, giving
potential customers more
confidence when deciding
whether to purchase
from you and, if your
competitors are solely
using cash and cheque
payment methods,
could help you win
more business.
As well as
making it easier
for customers,
accepting card
payments means
that you won’t have
to keep so much cash
on site or have to deposit
large amounts at the bank.
‘making it easier
for customers’
Card Readers
These are low cost, mobile
chip and PIN devices that
connect to your smartphone
or tablet via Bluetooth,
managed through a free
app. Typically, you buy the
device outright and pay a
single processing rate. Most
accounts are free to setup, but only offer HۙB