The Locksmith Journal Mar/Apr 2023 - Issue 85 | Page 28


The biggest trends shaping door hardware

Richard Morris , National New Business Manager at UAP , discusses the key trends affecting the manufacture and specification of door hardware and locks .
» CHANGING LEGISLATION , customer expectations , and design perceptions are all having a major impact on door hardware and locks . To keep up with the pace of change , manufacturers must continuously improve and innovate , providing a wider choice of products that can meet current and future needs .
Fire safety
The Grenfell tragedy has triggered significant change across the construction industry . New legislation has been introduced to improve building safety in England , including new fire door regulations . The type of door , and how it is installed , are now subject to stricter criteria with a focus on the ‘ golden thread .’ This requires details of the manufacturer , certification , components , and installation to be sourced and maintained .
For manufacturers of fire-rated door hardware , the rules mean an even greater focus on raising standards and continuous improvement . Making sure products are tested to , and exceed , the latest fire safety standards is a top priority . Third-party certification is an essential part of this process . This provides specifiers with the assurance that fire-rated door hardware will perform as expected .
The Certifire certification for example , involves factory production audits at each site where the product is manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 and additional requirements of the Certifire scheme . This process independently verifies the hardware ’ s performance ensuring installers and end-users can make an informed decision when selecting the product .
Smarter tech Technology is affecting the way we all live , and this is generating more innovation across the door hardware industry . Manufacturers are investing in extensive research and development to create products that satisfy demands for more flexibility , security and convenience .
At UAP , these requirements are shaping new ‘ smart ’ products under our Fullex Ai brand . These include the IONIC , an ultrasecure electronic door lock with features specifically designed for social housing , student accommodation , and domestic properties .
Comprising an integrated power supply and wireless charging , the IONIC enables a door to be opened and closed using Bluetooth on a mobile phone . The lock offers the most advanced security encryption on the market and can be installed on timber and composite doors of any thickness between approximately 44mm to 54mm . No complex wiring is needed making the product as simple to fit as any multipoint lock .
Health and safety
The pandemic has shone the spotlight on improving hygiene , leading to more touchless solutions , particularly in public places . Smart technology is at the heart of many these products , allowing access to be controlled via a fob , mobile phone or a wave of the hand .
Investment in this area is growing , with research underway into new solutions that can cost-effectively help to minimise the risk of viruses spreading . This will see new products brought to market which can improve the hygiene of existing touchpoints .
UAP is at the forefront of this innovation with plans in place to launch a revolutionary product later this year under a new Armadillo brand . Forming part of a range named Armasmart , this has been designed to provide an anti-bacterial coating for door handles which does not tarnish .
Design preferences
Door hardware design is another area which is constantly evolving , driven by several factors , including a demand for more quality , choice and versality . These trends are seeing a shift towards more stainless-steel products in doorsets such as new lift and lock handles on rose , which can be used with the FlexiLock , our latest addition to the Fullex range .
In response to customers ’ feedback , door handles in a wider range of styles , colours and finishes are also being launched . Furthermore , a desire to match internal and external doors has led to the launch of internal handles which can operate with the lift and lock function , enabling them to be used with a multi-point lock .
A step ahead As trends develop and change , manufacturers of door hardware and locks are responding quickly and proactively . This is defining an industry that is not afraid to push the boundaries with products that set new standards for quality , innovation and safety .
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MAR / APR 2023
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