14 • industrynewS
Russian hardware
giants poised to make
an impact in the UK
»»24 years ago a Russian
gentleman named Andrey Goncharov
set up a hardware manufacturing
business, APECS, through his hard work
and entrepreneurial skills this company
quickly grew into the largest hardware
manufacturing company in Russia.
Following the collapse of the Soviet
Union and the uncertainties caused
by currency fluctuations and political
turmoil as Russia moved to a market
economy APECS not only survived but
went on to expand into one of the most
internationally respected companies.
APECS has a loyal workforce committed to
helping Andrey achieve his vision for the
future and he comments: “Many of our
employees have worked for APECS since
our doors first opened for business in 1991
and it’s reassuring to follow how they have
passed invaluable skills and knowledge to
the up and coming generation, many of
our employees already have their sons and
daughters working with us.”
The success story does not end there
however, for Andrey was quick to realise
that China was not only going to become
a major manufacturing centre, but also
would provide a vast customer base. With
this in mind Andrey sets up the APECS
manufacturing base in China in 1995
with his friend [