From the Editor
Internationally, Brits are known
for saying ‘sorry’ too much.
Many nations find us weird for
queueing politely and apologising
to those who push in. If someone
stands on our toe in a crowd (ah
remember crowds?) we say sorry.
If we bump into someone else,
we say sorry. If I had £1 for every
time I say sorry when I go to the
supermarkets these days, then
sorry, but I wouldn’t be sitting here
writing this intro right now…
were wrong, or didn’t get it quite right is a bit of a challenge
for most us. Well, not for me. And that’s why I wanted to
start this magazine, with an apology, an admission, an
acceptance. I’m sorry if we haven’t always been the best we
can or brought you the magazine you wanted to read. I was
always taught that if you don’t get it right first time, that’s
ok, as long as you do your best to fix it next time. So, when I
started to hear that our readers wanted some different things
from The Locksmith Journal, that’s what I’ve tried to do.
Secondly, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you to
everyone who has made suggestions as to how they
would like to see our magazine evolve and grow in the
coming issues. Thank you as well to everyone who has got
involved with helping get some of those things into this very
magazine, in quite short notice. Thank you for all the ‘tip offs’
for those that can give me the best ‘hints and tips’, thank you
for the suggestions of ‘old’ and antique locks to sit alongside
our new products, the ‘smart’ ways to get mechanical and
electrical with the new tech, and for getting real on wanting
some ‘real locksmiths’ to contribute; something I’ve wanted
to do for a while but wasn’t sure where to start, or with
Now, armed with not just a list of suggestions of what
and who, but some help with the where, why, and how, I’m
hoping I never have to say sorry again, but will be happy to
do so if I need to. As I said, ‘sorry’ is not my hardest word,
but ‘goodbye’ would be. And, if you want to see something
in the magazine, drop me a line to say ‘hello’.
Until next time,
Gemma, Editor
Five tips to help
tradespeople keep
safe post-Covid 19
refreshments and snacks
and being extra stringent
when it comes to wearing
personal protection
equipment, tradespeople
will help reduce the risk
of catching or passing on
These are’s
tips for tradespeople to help
mitigate the COVID-19 risk:
1. Households
Ensure that any of the
individuals living in the
household you plan to
work for, or in, are not
self-isolating, shielding, or
displaying any coronavirus
symptoms. If members of
the household are, you
should delay your work
until symptoms are clear
or government advice
2. Cups of tea
As tempting as it may be
to accept a biscuit or cup of
tea, it’s safer in the current
climate to decline this
offer. You don’t want to be
touching biscuit packaging
or eating biscuits which
have been touched by
members of the household.
Similarly, you can never be
too sure about the hygiene
in the house you’re working
at in terms of cleaning
cutlery and mugs.
3. Hygiene
Make sure you have lots
of hand sanitiser with you,
and you’re cleaning your
hands regularly – when you
enter and leave your van,
and when you enter and
leave clients houses if this
is needed for your trade.
When it comes to hygiene
you can’t do enough to keep
safe currently, so if in doubt
wash your hands. Having
anti-bacterial wipes to hand
will help if used when you’re
finished with equipment
before someone else picks
it up.
4. PPE
Although your trade may
already require you to use
certain types of personal
protection equipment , it
may be prudent to invest in
coronavirus PPE. Wearing a
mask is particularly helpful,
especially if you’ll be sharing
a van with another colleague
and going into customers’
houses. Gloves will also be
needed if you’re likely to be
working alongside someone
else and touching the same
5. Handshakes
Even though you may
have agreed a deal, or
done a good job, it’s
important that you adhere
to social distancing rules,
which means keeping at
least one metre apart and
not touching. This means
that you have to wait a
little longer to be able to
agree something with a
JUL/AUG 2020
Issue Takeover
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