The Locksmith Journal Jul-Aug 2016 - Issue 45 | Page 9

H E D I D I T. . . T I E V O R P N A C ™ AIM If an intruder forces an AIM™ secured door, a high decibel security alarm sounds and its DNA tagging system activates. The DNA spray covers the intruder and stays on their skin and clothing for weeks. It’s invisible to the naked eye but police can see it using ultra violet light. The unique DNA code in the spray is registered to your address - so police can forensically match the intruder to the record held on the International Security Register. This irrefutable evidence can then be used to aid in a criminal conviction. JOIN OUR APPROVED INSTALLER NETWORK AND GET FREE LEADS! Call us on 01484 725 434 for more information. ™ Discover more STA N D 7 9 Keep intruders at bay with AIM™ DNA. STA N D 7 9