TradeLocks Light up Genuine Lishi
UAP TradeLocks has launched its new look website with the promise of new low prices and fantastic offers. To set this off TradeLocks is giving away free Genuine Lishi Torch Attachments with every 2-in-1 purchased. TradeLocks has not put a limit on how many free torches one customer can get, so if a single customer orders 100 Genuine Lishi 2-in-1s they will receive 100 free. This offer is subject to availability, so get your orders in fast! The Genuine Lishi Torch Attachment fits onto the handle of a 2-in-1 with an earth magnet, the light can then be adjusted to read the grid and see the keyway. The light is also coloured to prevent glare on the steel surface of the tool. Until August 31st Tradelocks will be giving away free torches every time someone orders a Genuine Lishi 2-in-1. So Auto-Locksmiths need no longer struggle with call-outs in the middle of the night. TradeLocks also has offers on the Genuine L ????U???????????????????1????Q???????-?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1????????????Q???1?????????()Q!I?EUIQIL?=?!=5=]9IL?%0?Q
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