Industry News
Christmas community security door prize twice as nice for 2020
» NOT ONE BUT TWO COMMUNITY buildings that help protect young people in supported accommodation will benefit from a brand new communal security door , door entry and access control system , donated by three Secured by Design ( SBD ) member companies .
The companies – F . Bamford ( Engineering ) Ltd , known in the industry as Bamford Doors , and its key partners Key Management Systems Ltd ( KMS ) and Entrotec Limited – were overwhelmed by the number of applications received for their competition held during December .
Heartened by the amount of great work going on in local communities across the country , the judging panel , which was made up of representatives from the three companies , could not decide on one worthy cause as they originally intended . Instead , they decided that they would double up their charitable donation and have two winning projects receive a complete communal door entry solution installed free to improve the security of their building .
The winners of this competition were :
• A North Wales Housing owned refuge for young single parents facing a future alone with their child . Referred by their local authority , the tenants receive support to learn skills to live independently and provide for the needs of their child . They are likely to have come from housing where they were vulnerable , such as from abusive ex-partners or family members . The existing communal door to the share accommodation can be opened easily or tends to be left open by visitors – making tenants feel insecure and at risk .
• Supported accommodation for young people aged 16-21 who are homeless , run by Riverside , a social housing provider . Situated in North East of England , the premises provides safe accommodation to prepare for independent living . Most residents are likely to have endured trauma such as neglect or finding themselves homeless due to family breakdown . Replacing the current door will revitalise the appearance of the building while also offering greater security to residents .
Alexis Smith , Managing Director , of Bamford Doors , who is leading on this charitable initiative for the three companies , said : “ We have been thrilled and delighted by the huge response and have been so impressed by the amount of good work going on in communities around the UK . It ’ s so great to learn what people are doing to help those who are most vulnerable and at risk in our society ,” she added .
All three companies are long-standing members of SBD , the official police security initiative , which is a policeowned organisation working on behalf of the Police Service in the UK to deter and reduce crime . It does this by encouraging architects , developers and local authority planners to incorporate security related products , such as doors , windows , locks and walling systems that meet the Police Preferred Specification standards , into new developments . Sectors include housing , education , health , sport and leisure as well as business , retail , commercial and industrial premises .
Hazel Goss , Development Officer , SBD , said : “ This is a fantastic initiative . These companies have got together to give their time and money to help people most in need . I am really blown away by their generosity and their commitment to make a positive difference . It ’ s brilliant work . My many congratulations to the two winners and thrilled that one of the successful initiatives is in North Wales where I live .”
www . securedbydesign . com
Bamford Doors
specialise in the design , manufacture and installation of Secured by Design communal solutions , meeting the needs of local authorities , housing associations , builders , private landlords , schools , student accommodation and other public and private sector buildings .
www . bamforddoors . com
Entrotec are trusted pioneers and leading manufacturers of door entry solutions in UK residential and commercial markets . They are renowned for manufacturing and supplying high quality audio and video vandal resistant door entry , concierge systems and proximity access control systems . Established in 1987 Entrotec have significant experience designing and bringing to market innovative systems tailored to client specific requirements to ensure the security of their property , their people and their communities .
www . entrotec . com
Key Management Systems Ltd ( KMS ) are the UK ’ s leading
supplier of residential access control products and services , predominantly supplying the social housing sector ( Local Authorities , Housing Associations etc ) and Private Landlords . The SimpleKey Web system is a unique and innovative access control solution for all multi-user residences with instant fob administration from any web enabled device .
www . kms . uk . net
JAN / FEB 2021
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