Examining the statistics surrounding fire safety in these environments , it ’ s unsurprising that it remains a priority . According to the NFCC report , sheltered and extra care housing accounts for about 2 % of housing stock , but between 2010 and 2016 , they accounted for about 7 % of fires – a critical finding .
From this , London Fire Brigade ’ s eight-page document distilled the main information and includes a person-centred fire risk assessment checklist and a list of the main fire safety management procedures , such as testing fire doors and fire alarms , record-keeping and essential maintenance . Crucially , fire doors and their appropriate door hardware , such as mechanical and electromagnetic closers and panic emergency exit hardware , must be fitted correctly and regularly checked to ensure these heavily used products are fit for purpose .
However , key for specialised housing , it ’ s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to fire safety products . Residents for example , must be comfortable using fire doors and their hardware , thus removing the risks associated with heavy or nonfunctional doors that residents in these settings may have additional problems operating . Decision makers are advised to consult a door hardware expert , who will provide further guidance as to the
products that will best meet the needs of a speficic facility . These experts consider such issues as assessing the emergency access and egress systems , as well as establishing how best to accommodate the needs of all occupiers and staff .
Infection Contol Infection control has long been front and centre of people ’ s minds – and never more so since the Covid-19 pandemic , which highlighted the endemic risks in all commercial , healthcare , domestic and care home settings .
In 2018 , a report conducted by Allegion UK revealed that while 80 % of infections are transmitted through the enivornment , only 71 % of healthcare facilites used environmental cleaning to prevent the spread of infection . Furthermore , just 52 % of healthcare respondents said they were satisfied that their existing infection control measures were robust and effective .
The potential for exposure to pathogens is significant within specialised home settings . While hand washing and disinfection protocols , as well as ventilation procedures , all form an important part of infection control , there are additional measures that can be taken , such as installing antibacterial door hardware , handles and levers in hightraffic areas .
These solutions contain added antibacterial protection to help eliminate potentially harmful bacteria and defend against the spread of microorganisms . In an environment where health risks are more probable , this provides extra peace of mind when it comes to maintaining the highest levels of hygiene and minimising the risk of contamination .
It ’ s also key to observe the building ’ s emergency exits . Emergency exit devices can also be coated with antibacterial properties , contributing to both fire safety standards and now infection control , by reducing the risk of crosscontamination , providing long-lasting protection and enabling people to escape a building quickly . Furthermore , touchless electromagnetic door controls can assist with ease of movement , fire safety and infection control by being linked to the building ’ s alarm system , closing shut in the event of a fire and eliminating the need for people to wedge the doors open .
Taking Responsibility
In what is now a critical time for many specialised housing facilities , decision makers must take responsibility in their choices to help meet both the fire safety and infection control requirements that have been set .
While it ’ s true that the varied nature of running sheltered , extra care and supported housing facilities can make decisions feel like complex challenges , today ’ s hardware solutions provide one helpful and easy solution , enabling higher levels of building safety and security – and that , in the current environment , is more important than ever .
www . allegion . com
https :// www . allegion . co . uk / en / productcatalogue / door-controls0 / electromagnetic-closers . html | https :// www . allegion . co . uk / en / productcatalogue / panicemergency-exit-hardware . html | https :// www . allegion . co . uk / en / news / 2016 / door _ hardware . html | https :// www . allegion . co . uk / content / dam / allegionuk / Downloads / literature / Allegion % 20Healthcare % 20Report . pdf | https :// www . allegion . co . uk / en / infection-control . html | https :// www . allegion . co . uk / en / productcatalogue / panicexits . html | https :// www . allegion . co . uk / en / productcatalogue / door-controls0 / electromagnetic-closers / briton-2700-te . html
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