The Locksmith Journal Jan/Feb 2021 - Issue 72 | Page 27


Why be curious ?

By Vic Southern
» BY THE TIME YOU READ this about 15-million of our citizens , the more vulnerable , will have had vaccinations against Covid-19 . We may be emerging from the serious effects of endless lockdowns of one sort or another . Those of you who work mobile will have kept going some way ; as locks still break and keys still get lost . Those with shops have different problems – you need to increase footfall .
It is a bit like looking at the damage caused by a hurricane – devastation ; the work of repair and rebuilding commences immediately . The secret is to be curious , always
asking questions of yourself ( and others );
• Why am I doing this ?
• Why am I doing this in this way ?
• Is this the best way to do this ?
• Is this the most profitable way to do this ?
• Is this job profitable at all ? ( Always let your competitors have all the bad work and don ’ t be a “ busy fool ”!)
You get the idea , question everything as in that lies the understanding of new opportunities , new profit centres . Those of us who treat every day as just a repeat of the last are doomed to fail or become obsolete businesses .
This goes a bit further . Those of you who have employees should not be afraid to ask their opinions on things . They may have ideas they are scared to bring up voluntarily - encourage them . They may have ideas of how to improve their own performance .
And then professional colleagues on the forums , a great source of information .
There is another whole sector of people who have vital information for you – your own customers . Ask – how did you come to contact me ? Why
do you choose me ? Were you satisfied with what I did for you ? How might I improve what I did for you ? What else can I do for you ? After all , about 80 % of your business comes from repeat customers or from people influenced by a customer .
Lastly , professional improvement courses , as many of them as you can get to , never wasted time .
So , curiosity might kill the cat but for you it means survival and success .
www . lockdecoders . com



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JAN / FEB 2021
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