The Locksmith Journal Jan-Feb 2017 - Issue 48 | Page 14


Guidance on Approved Document Q for house builders

HOUSE BUILDERS AND developers are increasingly using guidance from building hardware and security professionals to ensure they are meeting the security requirements of homes under construction .
More than twelve months ago the Building Regulations were extended to include Part Q . This requires new homes in England to incorporate provisions to resist unauthorised access . Approved Document Q ( ADQ ), which supports Part Q , requires that doors and windows must be capable of resisting attack by a casual or opportunist burglar by being both sufficiently robust and fitted with appropriate hardware .
The DHF ( Door & Hardware Federation ), which represents the building hardware sector , has produced a Best Practice Guide to ADQ . The guide contains advice on how the requirements can be met and how the security performance of doors and windows can be verified .
House builders will need to present evidence of ADQ compliance to building control officers so they can check and assess this in order to determine whether the installed doorsets and door and window hardware comply with the quoted standards . Both the DHF and Secured by Design recommend that independent third party certification of door and window hardware from a UKAS-accredited certification authority makes the process considerably easier for the house builder . Such certification offers the assurance that the installed products will meet ADQ . House builders can take a simplified route to compliance if they join the Secured by Design National Building Approval ( SBD NBA ) scheme . This is granted to developers who regularly build houses to a similar design and specification . SBD NBA will agree all aspects of the physical security within the building . This process is only undertaken once , saving time and money , and it will then form the security criteria that must be met for all SBD Building Approval schemes undertaken by that developer . SBD has secured the approval of the Department for Communities and Local Government and Building Control Officers that SBD NBA is accepted as proof of ADQ compliance .
The DHF Best Practice Guide to ADQ is available from www . dhfonline . org . uk


MASTER LOCKSMITH , Grahame Haskell , who runs Auto & Property Locksmith in Dorset , got the bug for the business early . His father was also a locksmith - as well as an accomplished carpenter , so Grahame spent many hours of his childhood playing with locks with his dad .
He said : “ I always wanted to know how things worked , so was happiest when dismantling and reassembling toys rather than playing with them , so it was a natural progression for me to go onto playing with locks . I also enjoyed going out on site with dad and helping out in the workshop .
“ When I left school I spent two years learning carpentry at a local company , but deep down I knew the locksmith trade was where I wanted to be . I got an apprenticeship with a firm in Bournemouth and stayed there for 13 years .”
Grahame completed a six-year apprenticeship including his Master Locksmith exams and did further training including car opening courses .
He said : “ As much as I enjoyed working for a company , I wanted to set up on my own . Customers were asking for me – and said they would come to me if I set up my own business . Luckily , they were as good as their word . Locksmith work is similar to any other trade – customers build a rapport with the individual providing the service , it helps if you really enjoy your work .”
Grahame , father to an 18-month-old son , started his business in 1999 and has never looked back . He is a sole trader and Auto & Property Locksmith has established a reputation due to the quality and knowledge he offers . He believes strongly in providing a non-destructive service wherever possible , and has no call out charge .
His range of expertise covers anything from simple gain entries to full lock replacements on entire office blocks .
Grahame also works with several vintage car specialists , sometimes making oneoff parts to complete lock restoration . Having owned 3 old VW camper vans , he ’ s a well-known VW specialist in those circles .
Grahame said : “ I also specialise in aftermarket van security with deadlocks and slamlocks , it is a growing area with vans being broken into daily . The price of having extra security is a fraction of the cost of replacing tools and ultimately losing your livelihood .”
If you require locksmith services call Grahame on 01202 813 750 or 07967 022 014 or visit www . locksmithdorset . com
LOCKSMITHJOURNAL . CO . UK | JAN / FEB 2017 Sponsored by Burg-Wächter