The Locksmith Journal Jan-Feb 2015 - Issue 36 | Page 18

18 • industrynewS PROUD SPONSORS OF THIS PAGE ERA announces headline sponsorship of MLA Expo 2015 »»Component supplier of the year ERA has announced its headline sponsorship of the MLA (Master Locksmiths Association) Expo which will be held at the Telford International Centre between the 2 and 4 October 2015. This is the 17th MLA Expo and is the largest locksmith and security exhibition in the UK, attracting thousands of locksmiths and security engineers across the threeday event. Commenting on the sponsorship, ERA’s group marketing director, Will Butler says he is confident that this support is the perfect fit with the ERA business. “The MLA Expo perfectly complements our intent to really provide support to the local locksmith not just through the sponsorship of this event but by kickstarting an installer scheme with MLA members,” he said. “There’s no better place to meet and talk through the key features and benefits of the scheme than at the industry event. “2015 will be an incredibly exciting year for ERA as we develop a robust consumer campaign to drive home security enquiries to locksmiths. There will be generations of locksmiths out there that have been fitting ERA as far back as when the first lock was made in Willenhall in 1838. But in today’s market, it is our job really to understand the modern locksmith and develop security systems that will help them broaden their services with ease and confidence.” Dr Steffan George, director at the MLA is driving the MLA Expo event; Steffan commented: “Without question, we are delighted to secure headline sponsors for our event ; but what is particularly pleasing is that ERA’s event support is just part of a broader campaign to support the locksmith industry – that is what our members need – tangible initiatives that drive homeowners to engage their services. We are delighted that this partnership is off the ground. Exciting times lie ahead!” ‘what is particularly pleasing is that ERA’s event support is just part of a broader campaign to support the locksmith industry’ Connecting Professional Minds 8 years experience in the window and door industry / window and door hardware. We aim to bring together professionals, helping them to communicate across languages and cultures. Contact us on: E: Tel/Fax: 00 43 1 319 13 62 53 Mob: 00 43 699 103 23 796 Dr Steffan George, director at the MLA Roto online shop New the premium shop for all your window & door replacement parts | jan/feb 2015