The Locksmith Journal Jan-Feb 2014 - Issue 30 | Page 20

INDUSTRYNEWS SPONSORED BY SKS Top 10 Issues Small Businesses Will Face in 2014 The marketplace is constantly changing, and small businesses that stay abreast of contemporary trends and can anticipate the future will survive, while those that stubbornly rest on their laurels will be left behind. The ability to surmount small business challenges is critical to success, and it begins with a strategic plan to overcome market obstacles. To help you plan, the following lists the top 10 issues small business will face in 2014. Are you prepared? 1. Healthcare It’s still uncertain how the Affordable Care Act is going to affect small businesses, but it’s fair to say you’re going to spend a lot of time, money, or both dealing with it in 2014. How will you manage your healthcare program and expenses without jeopardising your budget and work time? 2. The talent pool Even though the nation is dealing with an unemployment crisis, the top talent has little trouble finding gainful employment. Most small businesses acknowledge their success is dependent on the quality of their staff, but with rising healthcare and other costs, how will you keep your top employees happy and prevent them from taking other opportunities? 3. Mobile marketing If your company hasn’t gone mobile yet, 2014 is the time to do so. More and more customers are relying on their mobile devices for research and purchasing; failing to accommodate that could ultimately lead to failure of your business. 4. A return to print Many small businesses have ignored print marketing based on a perception that digital marketing is cheaper. 20 THE JAN/FEB 2014 ISSUE SPONSORED BY ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions While it’s true that print marketing often requires a greater up-front investment, it’s no more expensive than a full-fledged digital marketing campaign. Moreover, print marketing – especially \