A Tale of Two Pauls …
Innovative lock brand bought by industry stalwart
The SASHSTOP brand was founded in 2017 and paved the way for a series of innovative additional security products . Initially based upon an internally / externally key-operated sash jamming concept , the range grew to offer ‘ no drill ’ upgrade options to doors and windows as well as the creating of an additional brand focusing on heat resistant , cover / repair plates that sit under uPVC door handles , known as TORCHGUARD .
» WHILST EXHIBITING AT the yearly locksmith shows , Paul Batty , the inventor and co-founder of SASHSTOP , met Paul Souber , the man behind the highly-regarded and well-respected Souber Tools . Almost instantly the pair hit it off and could see a strong synergy for working together . Paul Batty brings experience of over 35 years working within the uPVC industry , whilst Paul Souber offers almost magician-like qualities when it comes to manufacturing and product development thanks to his industry experience of over 49 years .
Things got a bit more serious when an approach was made by Souber Tools to purchase the SASHSTOP and TOCHGUARD brands with the plan to bring them ‘ in-house ’ and to become part of the Souber Tools family . Although the acquisition took a while from a legal perspective , it has recently been formalised and Souber Tools are pleased to announce their ownership of the SASHSTOP and TORCHGUARD brands , inheriting the IP , manufacturing rights , trademarks and the patent which covers the innovative
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