The Locksmith Journal 99 August 2024 | Page 34



Location : Multiple Sites Around London
Product : DOM Tapkey Guard S Digital Smart Handles
» PT PODS IS ON A MISSION to revolutionise personal fitness by bringing the future of training directly to your area , offering a unique solution that doesn ’ t require you to go to a traditional gym or work out at home . The brainchild of Mike Mair , an entrepreneur , PT Pods began as a small backyard gym during lockdown . After noticing the privacy and confidence it provided , set out to create private spaces where anyone , at any fitness level , can train confidently and securely .
The concept is straightforward and relies on the power of Mobile Key technology . Users can download the PT Pods app , locate the nearest Pod , book a time slot or exercise class that suits them , and access the Pod using the app integrated with Tapkey technology . This setup ensures users can exercise in complete privacy and enjoy uninterrupted access to gym equipment .
The integration of DOM Tapkey Guard S Digital Smart Handles into the PT Pods app allows seamless access to these private fitness spaces without the need for a mechanical key or receptionist . This advanced system offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility , setting PT Pods apart from traditional gyms . With PT Pods , users gain a safe , private environment to enhance their fitness journey , anytime and anywhere .
“ Mobile access is at the heart of our business ; without it our business model wouldn ’ t work ”. – Mike Mair , Founder PT Pods
Since PT Pods ’ inception , Tapkey has supplied its own cylinders to secure the units . However , the high-traffic environment required a more robust handle solution . As a DOM Keystone customer , London Locksmith G . Worrall provided DOM Guard S Handlesets to fulfil this requirement . In 2023 , Tapkey became part of the DOM Security Group , allowing
customers to integrate DOM Access Control Technology with the powerful Tapkey App . The Guard S Handles were ideal for the project due to their strength , aesthetic appeal , and the comprehensive functionality of the Tapkey software , which meets all the needs of PT Pods and their customers .
For additional information about DOM Tapkey & PT Pods , please contact + 44 ( 0 ) 121 569 7790 or visit www . dom-security . com / uk / en
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