Notice Board
Advice to other budding locksmiths
I would say if you want to become a locksmith just go for it ! If finding money for training is an issue , I would say that forking-out for training is definitely not a necessity , it is possible to teach yourself the basics and putting in the hard work will pay off . I guess you know yourself if you ’ re the type of person who can learn on the job , or whether formal training is best for you . It ’ s about choosing whatever is right for you .
Personal perspective I find I can make a decent living out of locksmithing , and it ’ s enough to keep my family . Life is busy at work , but also busy at home having three children ages eight months , seven and 14 years . Selfemployment works well around family commitments , being my own boss , I can do the school run , take my son to football and ferry-around my teenager daughter . I hope to pass on my skills to my children one day , if they wish to join me , we can become a family business .
About StockLock
StockLock is a local locksmith company based in Stockport who supply and fit replacement high security locks for front doors , patio doors , UPVC doors and French doors . They also repair and replace external door handles , window locks and can even replace failed double glazed units .
www . stocklock . co . uk Tel : 07540 802169 info @ stocklock . co . uk
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