The Locksmith Journal 93 February 2024 | Page 18

Mul-T-Lock exclusive feature

Safeguarding Small Businesses

A Proactive Approach to Physical Security

Fighting back against small business crime

1 in 3 small businesses have been affected by crime

Over 50 %

have lost £ 1,000 from organised shoplifting
Claire Blakemore , Mul-T-Lock UK Managing Director examines the latest industry surveys and highlights how locksmiths must be proactive in their response to offer essential peace of mind .
Described by high street stalwarts as an epidemic , The Federation of Small Businesses ( FSB ) has highlighted how crimes such as organised shoplifting , have drained more than £ 1,000 from over half of small business victims across England and Wales in the last two years .
More than a third of respondents said they had been affected by at least one traditional crime in the last two years , including vandalism , anti-social behaviour , burglary or robbery .
This alarming statistic necessitates a closer look at the vulnerabilities faced by small businesses and the imperative need for a robust physical security strategy .
Understanding the comprehensive threat landscape
Tina McKenzie of the FSB said : “ We ’ ve been hearing countless reports of organised shoplifting over the past year , and our study further shows how serious and unprecedented the problem is .
“ Witnessing our small high-street shops and independent businesses losing their hardearned money because these crimes are overlooked by authorities is disheartening , not to mention the mental toll on small business owners and their staff .”
For our industry , we have a responsibility to introduce practical measures to work in partnership with small businesses .
And whilst the latest biometric technologies seem to be the pinnacle of access security , they are not without their drawbacks , the most significant of which is expense . We have a duty of care to demonstrate how minimum enhancements to security , even by upgrading a cylinder platform , can make a significant difference .
Product Specification
Locksmiths working with small businesses To combat the rise in shoplifting , Mul-T-Lock offers a range of advanced security products specifically designed to deter theft and protect valuable merchandise . This includes protection of display cases , cabinets and storefront displays , alongside dedicated security for vehicles .
Electronic solutions , including Mul-T-Lock ’ s specialist SMARTair and eCLIQ solutions , present intelligent security with remote audit trail capability to minimise the risks associated with lost keys and ensure accountability and authorised access control .
Mechanical security upgrades to the MTL300 , MTL400 , MTL500 or MTL600 portfolio provide high-security protection from cylinder manipulation and enhanced key copy control for small businesses . The solutions can be tailored to suit individual retail requirements , including layered protection to form a bespoke master key system .
Partnership Approach
Mul-T-Lock ’ s pledge , together with our network of locksmith dealers , is to continue our collaborative strategy . Where our focus extends beyond products and highlights our commitment to ongoing technical training and creating a culture of awareness that can significantly contribute to the overall safety of the business .
For locksmiths , this can also be the opportunity to highlight the importance of professional installation and maintaining security measures that can enhance operational efficiency within a small business .
Not only will this optimise the results , but also ensure compliance with latest standards and reduced insurance premiums .
As we negotiate the challenging climate for small businesses , managers and owners can rely on us not just to employ cutting-edge technology , but also to take a sincere and compassionate approach that caters to their needs .
Combined Solution
By conducting thorough risk assessments , implementing mechanical and electromechanical systems , and fostering a culture of security awareness , small businesses can significantly reduce their vulnerability .
In a landscape where criminals are becoming more sophisticated , proactive physical security measures are not just a precaution but a necessity .
For more information on Mul-T-Lock ’ s range of mechanical and electro-mechanical locking solutions , please visit mul-t-lock . co . uk