The Locksmith Journal 92 December 2023 | Page 51



» ABLOY UK HAS announced its new schedule of training dates via its Academy and Digital Access Solutions Academy . All courses take place at Abloy UK headquarters in Willenhall , West Midlands . Most courses are free of charge , offering attendees a complimentary educational experience .
The Foundations course is designed to help delegates understand the minimum legal performance criteria for access control locking applications for fire and escape doors , BS EN 179 and BS EN 1125 and the new BS EN 13637 .
The Foundation Plus course is an advanced add-on , providing attendees with the knowledge to specify products that are suitable for both the application and door type .
Both courses are led by Pat Jefferies , Commercial Director at Abloy UK ; retained by BSI
/ Pulse
Jan 4 th , 18 th 24 th 25 th 16 th 17 th Feb 8 th , 22 nd 20 th 6 th , 28 th 7 th , 29 th 13 th 21 st Mar 7 th , 19 th 12 th 13 th , 20 th 14 th , 21 st 6 th 5 th Apr 11 th , 25 th 10 th 3 rd , 23 rd 4 th , 24 th 9 th 30 th May 2 nd , 16 th 15 th 8 th , 22 nd 9 th , 23 rd 1 st 14 th Jun 13 th , 27 th 12 th 5 th , 19 th 6 th , 20 th 26 th 18 th Jul 11 th , 31 st 9 th 3 rd , 17 th 4 th , 18 th 10 th 16 th Aug 22 nd 27 th 20 th 21 st 28 th 29 th Sep 12 th 11 th 4 th , 18 th 5 th , 19 th 3 rd 17 th Oct 10 th , 24 th 23 rd 2 nd , 16 th 3 rd , 17 th 9 th 30 th Nov 5 th , 19 th 20 th 6 th , 13 th 7 th , 14 th 21 st Dec 10 th 17 th 11 th 12 th , 19 th 18 th 16 th
and CEN as the UK ’ s electric locking technical expert , and a member of committees responsible for new standards and legislation across Europe .
* Please note there is a charge to attend the EDS course
www . abloy . com / gb / en / about-abloy / academy
Foundations 25th Jan 2024
Foundations Plus
28 th Feb 2024 29 th Feb 2024 28 th Mar 2024 25 th Apr 2024 29 th May 2024 30 th May 2024 27 th Jun 2024 25 th Jul 2024 28 th Aug 2024 29 th Aug 2024 26 th Sep 2024 31 st Oct 2024 27 th Nov 2024 28 th Nov 2024


» ERA ( PART OF TYMAN UK & Ireland ), is ramping up its apprenticeship offering , helping to strengthen the fenestration industry ’ s pipeline of young talent by providing learning opportunities to the local community .
Hatty-Mai McMahon joins Tyman UK & Ireland ’ s Health and Safety department , whilst also studying for her In-Comm Safety , Health and Environment Technician
EBOSH National General Certificate qualification , she says : “ I haven ’ t been here for long , but I have already gained so much knowledge and experience from the apprenticeship programme which will really help me in my career .”
Hatty-Mai is joined by Tanique McCarthy who is studying for her Level 3 Information Technology Technician qualification with apprenticeship provider The Development Manager . Tanique will join Tyman UK & Ireland ’ s IT team to gain valuable hands-on experience .
Tanique says : “ Every day is different , and I am already enjoying meeting lots of new people and putting my skills to the test , such as problem-solving and taking on ‘ real-life ’ work tasks . It is good to know that the role I do has an impact on my colleagues across the business , enabling them to work efficiently using our IT network .”
In order to nurture development , each individual in the apprenticeship programme is given the opportunity to undertake training and spend time with colleagues in other areas of the business to gain a better understanding of company-wide operations and broaden their skillsets . They will also have the opportunity to spend time with senior management .
Every person welcomed onto the scheme receives the living wage as part of their employment , which further establishes Tyman and ERA ’ s commitment to the wider community and diversifying the talent coming into the fenestration field .
Such is the success of the programme , Tyman is currently working with a variety of training providers to set up additional apprenticeships , including programmes within its engineering and sustainability departments .
Stacey Edwards , HR Director at Tyman UK & Ireland , says : “ We were eager to implement roles that support people on alternative educational paths , offering practical work experience , whilst paying the living wage .”
www . eraeverywhere . com www . tymanplc . com
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