5 . Are there any enhanced security options for panic and emergency doors ?
In situations where additional security may be required , a panic bolt device is recommended . A panic bolt has a vertical rod to suit the door height and is equipped with locating bolts that go into the floor and the top of the door frame upon closure of the door . This provides three locking points in total , instead of a single lock with a panic latch .
Briton panic exit devices also feature an anti-thrust device in the latch and pullman latch to prevent forced latch retraction . When combined with multipoint latching , this provides an additional level of external security .
6 . Any thoughts on accessibility from outside – common uses / preventing attack / illegal access / access device options ?
There is often a need for panic and emergency exit doors to be accessible from the outside . When this is the case , an Outside Access Device can be installed . These devices are designed to offer lockable entry from the external access point of a door and are secured by panic or emergency exit hardware . While Outside Access Devices provide a strong and durable means of access while remaining lockable from the outside , each must be tested with the internal actuator and therefore must match the existing brands in use .
7 . Can you explain the signage and markings required for pre and post-fixing ?
In any scenario , it ’ s vital to check that signage is present and correct . To comply with EN 1125 there must be a ‘ Push bar ( or pad ) to open ’ sign accompanied with a directional arrow on the inside and a ‘ Fire Exit , Keep Clear ’ sign on the outside . Additionally , EN 179 specifies that signage must indicate how to operate the escape device in use .
8 . Are there any legislation changes coming soon to be aware of ?
We are not aware of any further changes in legislation that cover these devices ; nonetheless , we remind all responsible persons that panic and emergency hardware should be regularly checked and maintained under current legislation .
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