The Locksmith Journal 90 October 2023 | Page 8

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A Lasting Legacy

In the latest of our ‘ getting to know you ’ series , I had the pleasure of speaking to Paul Montgomery – also known as – Sir-Fix-A-Lock . Yes , you read that right . After a 25-year career in the armed forces , Paul now owns a medieval , knights of the roundtable themed locksmithing business . I know , it ’ s the natural progression .
» BUT AFTER GETTING INTO IT WITH Paul , I discovered there is so much more to Sir-Fix-A-Lock than defeating the enemy and saving damsels in distress ( all becomes clear in their latest brand video – link to be found at the bottom of this page . You are welcome ). Paul runs a business that cares deeply about the community , a business that is passionate about the environment , and one that is keen to set new standards within the industry to leave positive , lasting legacies for future generations .
‘ the business name and branding is one thing , it ’ s how you approach projects and treat people that makes all the difference ’
A Moonlighting Locksmith
“ I was in the armed forces for 25 years , it was an exciting , challenging , yet rewarding career . However , around three years before I was due to leave , I started to think about what I wanted to do once I was out . I know a lot of ex-army people look to locksmithing as a career post service and I completely understand why . It ’ s just totally different to what I was used to ; it ’ s so varied and I get to work with members of the public , which is great .
“ I began my training whilst I was still in the army , I thought it was important to plan ahead and once I ’ d made a decision on what I was going to do , I didn ’ t want to wait . I was essentially moonlighting as a locksmith . “ Once I ’ d left the army , I set up the business in Plymouth and never looked back . I ’ ve been a locksmith for 12 and a half years now and have one full-time employee and two part-time .”
“ Sir-Fix-A-Lock . Why not ? We had another name briefly , but I really wanted the brand to stand out in the industry and amongst competitors . I could have gone for PM Locksmiths , but this is just more fun , a tad cheeky , and it definitely catches the eye of customers – everyone seems to like it .
“ I think the business name and branding is one thing , it ’ s how you approach projects and treat people that makes all the difference . I ’ m passionate about tackling things head on . During COVID , for example – we excelled and used the time to reinvest in the business and brand . I don ’ t tend to see things as ‘ problems , you ’ ve just got to see it and solve it – crack on and move on I ’ d say .
“ This is the approach I ’ m taking with my new shop , we only opened a few months ago and there are peaks and troughs , but it ’ s definitely an exciting new venture .”
‘ Paul runs a business that is passionate about the environment , and on that is keen to set new standards within the industry to leave positive , lasting legacies for future generations ’
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