The Locksmith Journal 101 October 2024 | Page 36



Standards in the industry have certainly changed over the past 35 years and the benefits of having doors , windows , locks and hardware which have achieved an appropriate security standard has been shown to be both vitally important and a worthwhile investment . It ’ s why we now have the Police Preferred Specification , so people can quickly and easily identify products which are of an appropriate security standard through this .
» IN THE EARLY DAYS , Secured by Design ( SBD ) engaged with industry bodies and manufacturers to tackle the variations in the security of the product being sold . With SBD driving the market , it resulted in test houses being created and certification bodies set up to meet the demand and the reduction in overall cost of secure doorsets and windows . This work over many years has raised awareness of the importance and benefits of security throughout the standards and construction industry . Today , products like doors and windows have to be certified by a United Kingdom Accreditation Service ( UKAS ) certification body before being considered for SBD ’ s Police Preferred Specification .
Knowing that a product is fit for purpose is critical . The accreditation scheme SBD operates on behalf of the UK Police Service provides a recognised standard for all security products , ensuring that they are sufficiently robust to resist physical attack by casual and opportunistic burglars . It is the only way for companies to obtain police recognition for security-related products in the UK . The SBD focus is on the critical factors that combine to deliver a product ’ s performance - design , use , quality control and the ability to deter or prevent crime .
In addition , the Police Preferred Specification requires regular re-testing
and annual inspection of the manufacturing facility ( Factory Production Control ) to ensure quality and performance are maintained . This provides assurance that products have been produced under a controlled manufacturing environment in accordance with the specifier ’ s aims and minimises misrepresentation of the products by unscrupulous manufacturers / suppliers and leads to the delivery , on site , of a more secure product .
Over 700 companies with more than 7000 individual products , the majority from the door and window marketplace , have achieved SBD accreditation and use the SBD logo for sales and marketing purposes to demonstrate their security credentials .
The benefits of SBD membership
This work to improve the physical security of buildings using SBD accredited products is the reason so many companies are seeing huge benefits in SBD membership . There has been a significant growth in demand for advice and requests for details of companies that have membership with SBD , which has been evidenced in the increased traffic to the SBD website and the reported increased sales of SBD member ’ s products .
The police service signpost customers looking for
security products to www . securedbydesign . com , where a comprehensive list of the 700 companies that produce the products that meet SBD Police Preferred Specification can be found . Each company has its own page on the SBD website giving full details of the company , contact information and a detailed list of all their SBD accredited products .
It is these products that the Police Designing Out Crime Officers are recommending to developers on a daily basis in the drive to keep communities safe , as SBD member products have been highlighted many times over the past 35 years for the significant role they play in crime prevention and keeping people safe .
Unique opportunity to highlight products
Every year since the mid- 1990 ’ s SBD have hosted a training conference and exhibition for the Designing Out Crime Officers and Crime Prevention Officers based
in police forces around the country who deliver SBD at a local level .
The ATLAS conference and exhibition offers a number of opportunities exclusively to SBD member companies to interact directly with these officers and introduce them to their products and innovations . This is an excellent opportunity to promote both an organisation and its SBD accredited products at this prominent policing event and interact with delegates throughout the conference .
ATLAS continues to grow year on year , with the 2024 conference and exhibition being the largest ever held , with more exhibitors than ever before taking advantage of the fantastic opportunity afforded by the conference .
For SBD membership or technical enquiries , visit www . securedbydesign . com / contact-us / sbd-membershipand-technical-enquiries
36 OCTOBER 2024
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