The Local News Lifted | Page 9

what ’ s it all about ?

The lifted event is an opportunity . It ’ s a chance for those whose life or a particular troubled area have left them feeling down . The difficulties we face can often leave us feeling hopeless but we believe that on Good Friday – the day Jesus died on the cross – all the troubles and problems were lifted so that those who believe in Him can rise from any and everything .

Write down the troubles in your life , that you want to rise from what if this could actually be a life-changing moment

We understand that in this sceptical world it ’ s hard for people to believe in this but , what if this could actually be a life-changing moment , would you give it a go ?
Are there aspects of your life that you tolerate simply because you don ’ t know how to change them ?
Would you be willing to dedicate a few hours if you knew it could bring results ?
If so , The Lifted Event could be what you are looking for .
Bring this paper with you on 30 March , for it to be nailed to the Cross

GOOD FRIDAY | 3PM also at 7am , 10am and 7.30pm

He rose from the dead . so what ?

After hearing something so much , it ends up losing it ’ s meaning to us . That ’ s what happens to a lot of messages and stories . If we don ’ t stop and really think about what they mean , they won ’ t have any value or benefit to us . One of which being that , Jesus rose from the dead .
When people hear this , the listener ’ s face becomes stolid , expressionless , as though saying . “ He rose from the dead . So what ? Big deal .” Wait a minute , not so fast . Think about the word “ resurrected ”— to come back from the dead ; He was dead and lived again . Do you have any friends , who are alive today , but were dead and buried for three days ? I think not . March 17 , 2012 , a football player from
England fell to the floor unconscious during a game . Fabrice Muamba , 23 , suffered a cardiac arrest ; he was immediately aided by the paramedic team of the stadium and taken to the hospital . Fabrice ’ s heart stopped beating for 78 minutes , despite the 15 attempts to resurrect him through a defibrillator . According to doctors , the player was clinically dead during that time period . But miraculously , his heart started to beat again and Fabrice came back to life . Thank God he ’ s doing well .
Fabrice has such a story that , whether he plays soccer or not , he could write books , give motivational speeches , and make others think about their own mortality . And he was simply a soccer player , an unknown one , until his heart stopped beating for an hour and 18 minutes . But it was news to the entire world . And what about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus ? Why does the world not even seem to care ?
If He was resurrected , then He really did overcome death , He ’ s alive until today , whoever believes in Him doesn ’ t need to fear death , or suffer the pain and curses that were upon Him while on the cross . It means that anyone ’ s life can rise again no matter how ‘ dead ’ it may seem today . But what are you going to remember , after reading this article — about the football player or the One who gave His life for you ?
Source : http :// beta . bbc . co . uk / sport / 0 / football / 17423843
9 Good friday , march 30 • 3pm |