Hello everyone!! Again, a huge congratulations on all your hard work, whether you've
just finished your A levels, a degree, whatever [ath you've taken to get here!
I know the last thing you'll want to think about now is think about starting work again!
But I'll just leave this here for you to come back to when you are ready!
These are a few books that I found helpful in first year, I'm a bit of a oldie now but I
think these will still be helpful! Although the biggest piece of advice I can give you is
to not bother buying anything until you get here, and preferable give them a try out in
the library first!
Now go and enjoy the rest of your summer! Can't wait to meet you all in September!
Tortora is every first year medical students best friend for
anatomy and physiology (in fact I continued to delve into this
one up until my finals). Its approachable and straightforward
language style makes for gentle reading after a long day.
Especially if, like myself, you get a little overwhelmed by
medical jargon.
An iconic masterpiece! I'm sure you've all heard of
Gray's Anatomy. If I'm honest, I always found the
writing a little bit ostentatious and long-winded.
However, if you're a creative type you will definitely
appreciated the diagrams. They are beautiful, and it
looks great on a bookshelf!
Once you get into hospital, the oxford handbook of
clinical medicine will be a lifesaver. However, until
then, the handbook of medical sciences can be really
quite helpful! A good overview of pre-clinical medicine
in a handy pocket size. I liked to carry this one on train
journeys in case I started feeling productive..
Natalie Henry -
intercalating medical student.
An old fogy with a love of books. These are
just my thoughts, make sure to give a few
books a go and see what works for you!