Inner Temple Library
Slide Show
Issue 61, 12 February, 2014 7
In January we added a second slide show to the pictorial backstories illustrating Special Featured Collections on the LLMC-Digital interface. Our first pictorial backstory was focused on our emerging Cuba Collection. It will soon be followed in its series by a similar pictorial presentation for Haiti.
However, the show unveiled in January, featuring The Inner Temple Library, launches a new series, which we are calling “The Great Legacy Law Libraries”. In this new series we plan to celebrate several of the major law libraries whose collection-building and preservation efforts over the past centuries have assembled and shaped the legal bibliographic patrimony that we are currently migrating into a contemporary searchable format. Our law library world wouldn’t exist in its present enriched form had it not been for the sustained, and sometimes heroic, efforts of these formative institutions. We would like to illuminate their accomplishments and celebrate their contributions for the benefit of new generations of law librarians and law library users who may otherwise never know where all these treasures have come from.
We are privileged to start this series by featuring the Inner Temple Library, through whose generous cooperation we are steadily building our Inner Temple Library Manuscripts Collection on LLMC-Digital.6 Viewers should be aware that the 95 images that we offer on our site are only a sampling from the hundreds of images illustrating various story lines that appear on Inner Temple Library’s own web site. 7
The next library to be featured in our Great Legacy Library Series will be the New York Law Institute, which, as described on p.2 above, has been one of the major donors of hardcopy materials for LLMC-Digital.
6 See LLMC Title Numbers 09109, 09191, 09192, 09193, 09194 & 09195.
7 See <>