Scorpio: Carlos Paez
The atmosphere will change a bit, the air will become fresher. After four months spent
in Capricorn, on March 5th Venus, the planet of love and the ruler of Scorpio's house
of couples, will enter Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius has more original and more
nonconformist ideas about love and about the couple life; it loves independence,
needs personal space and is not afraid of new experiences. On the other hand, the
Sun will cross Scorpio's house of eroticism and adventure, so it could bring you a
love story, if you are open to such things. An affair while traveling or with somebody
from far away is not excluded. If you already have a steady relationship, then it could
be about some awakening of the partners' interest, about energizing the sexual life or
the curiosity of experiencing something new. emphasis on Scorpio's creativity and