The Livestock of Christ's Kingdom TUESDAY: The Led Sheep | Page 4

make us look brand new.

II Corinthians 4: 8-9:

We are pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

His rod (weapon) and staff (used to pull us up from a fall) COMFORT US!

8. Dinner in front of my enemies

I'll never forget how this was explained! Oil is poured down the holes in the pastures because serpents wait there for their moment to strike. Once the sheep would begin to eat and then climb up and bite them. But the oil removed the traction so all the serpent could do is just LOOK! Sheep can take their time, relax and enjoy their meals because the Shepherd has prevented our enemies from attacking us.

9. Protects my head with His Oil

There are seasons when flies, mosquitos and other insects are among the sheep and remember they can't swat them away at ALL. There ears, therefore, remain unprotected and if bugs made their way into their ears it was most uncomfortable and if they made there way into their brains it would drive them mad. Sheep would bang and burst their heads trying to alleviate the pain. So it was the OIL kept the nags away. Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit and anointed means to have the rubbed in presence of God so sheep with the rubbed in presence of the Holy Spirit controlling their minds because it's been renewed and is being transformed will be protected from lies and deceptions that will cause them to lose their spiritual mind and life!

10. Goodness & MERCY follows me .......

Now I don't know about you, but what more can you want than GOD'S GOOD THINGS AND His divine ability to let us "make it" when we KNOW we need to get got good! And it's not just a yearly deal or every other month. His mercies are NEW EVERY MORNING FOR HIS SHEEP! Lamentations 3:23

The led sheep is the sheep that will abide in the House of the Lord forever! In His presence there is fulness of joy. There is no other place or position that mankind should desire. We are deceived when we want anything other than to be led by our King who is the Great Shepherd. Never disparage the role of the sheep but do take advantage of their every perk in Christ!

Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word, Your blessings and Your promises to those of us who will submit our hearts and lives unto You. We bless You for Your protection, Your goodness and Your mercies! Thank You for brining Men and Women who serve as undershepherds for our lives so that we remain in the flock and will ultimately dwell in the House that is Your forever. Keep us connected and in Your precious will. In Jesus' name we pray. AMEN!