The Literary Terms 1 | Page 13

Litterary Devices Definition

Assonance-the repetition of a vowel sound.

Caesura-a complete stop in a line of poetry.

Consonance-a consonant sound is repeated in words that are in close proximity.

Elegy-a mournful poem.

Enjambment-refer to lines that end without punctuation and without completing a sentence or clause.

Epigram-a rhetorical device that is a memorable, brief, interesting and surprising satirical statement.

Lyric-a fairly short poem which is the expression of strong feelings of thoughts or perceptions of a single speaker.

Metonymy-a figure of speech in which something is called by a new name that is related in meaning to the original thing or concept.

Motif- a narrative element with symbolic meaning that repeats throughout a work of literature.

Refrain-a verse, a line, a set, or a group of some lines that appears at the end of stanza.

Synecdoche-a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that refers to a part of something is substituted to stand in for the whole.